30 years experienced in the biological field with The Top Physicians, Biochemists and Veterinarians, devoted to fight air, water pollution and animal husbandry.
The aims of the Company are;
- Chemical and microbiological analysis of waste, effluent and sludge
- Management of sewage treatment plants
- Production or microorganisms of the HANSA LINE
In the seventies a new biology has been sought for, able to modify the manufacturing processing methods of various chemical and pharmaceutical substances. The ever-increasing number of researches in biochemistry, genetic, molecular and cellular biology allowed the development of this revolution, based on the discovery of the structure and functions of several enzymes and their applications in industrial processing. Soon it has been realized that their application can be further extended to other fields.
In fact such biotechnology utilizes bacteria, yeast, cultured animal and plant cells of whose metabolism and capacity of biosynthesis are oriented towards the transformation of specific substances , towards environmental protection , pollution fighting , sewage water treatment and metabolization of civil and animalliquid waste.
Our Biological Doctors from university have formed a laboratory, has been conducting its own research in microbiology and developed a range of natural products made of various forms of microbic and enzymatic compounds, able to act on the complete range of waste treatment. Later, Our doctors have further study and working with different companies in Asia, At first the two great international schools in microbiology have been followed: The Far Eastern and the American (U.S.A.).
However, the features ad limits of usage in the microorganisms employed by above schools made our Doctors to seek for a larger range of living cells, different in morphology: kind and species, able to work there the other failed.
Therefore, it has been decided to isolate and produce some forms of Ciliate Protozoa, always ready to metabolize the organic substance contained in liquid waste. The same Protozoa spawning, living and metabolizing in activated sludge in civil and animal waste treatment plants.
A further improvement has been achieved in adding to the formulaor HANSA LINE a great number of PHAGES, (MACROPHAGES and BACTERIOPHAGES),
those being living cells with the function to attack, engulf and destroy foreign, corpuscle structured such as pathogenic microorganisms and microorganisms and macro molecular aggregations.
The capacity to degrade those foreign bodies is explained by Phagocitary activity and by the intervention of several LYSOSOMES (or cytoplasmic vesicles) containing themselves hydrolytic enzymes such Protease, Lipase , Phosphate ,RNase, DNase.
Foreign bodies such asammonia or pathogeniccorpuscles stick to the ce1u1armembrane of the MACROPHAGES, conveyed to the inside and enclosed in PHAGOCITARYVACUOLE (PHAGOSOMES), those merging with the LYSOSOMES, form the so called PHAGOLYSOMES inside where the catalytic enzymes attack the ingested substance.
Furthermore, in the composition of HANSA LINE thereare also Bacteria, enucleated, unicellular organism, belonging to the family of the Micrococcaceae, Staphy1ococcus and Micrococcus kind. (in symbiosis with Cryptococcus Neuromices).
HANSA LINE contains 5% of Cryophili, 25% of Psycrophili , 40% of Mesophili and 30% Termophili . This to avoid loss of live bacterial flora or active metaboliteat different temperatures.
The above-mentioned bacteria need for itsgrowth natural organic substance out of those they will take the basic chemical elements of the p1otoplasm (Carbon,Hydrogen,Oxygen,Nitrogen,Sulfur,Phosphorus,etc.) and the necessary energy to the synthesis of the elements. (The energy generated by the oxidization of the organic substances is used for the vital functions of the same bacteria).
- Microorganisms included in HANSA LINE belong to Saprophytes category, that in, those which live in the environment without developing a specific pathogenic activity on living beings.
They stimulate, in-touch with native bacterial flora, a series of metabolic reactions which have as main object to make humus and digest toxic or polluting substances.
They act as regulators on native microflora equilibrium, quickly developing by catalytic-enzymatic reactions, a more and more growing number of polyfunctional bacteria, useful tothe transformation oforganic substances.
- Enzymatic activity of HANSA LINE:
1. I) CELLULASES : enzymes belonging to Glucocidase group which is present in hydrolysis of sewage 1-4 glucosidic of cellulose.
1.II) PANCREASES: enzymes depurated to digestion of food proteins:Pepsidases which hydrolyze proteins in acid environment and Triptases acting in alkaline environment
1.III ) LIPASES : enzymes belonging to hydrolases- esterase group which mainly hydrolyzes esters of polyvalent alcohols, speciesof glycerin.
1.IV) PROTEASES: it promotes hydrolyticsc scission of peptidic link of proteins. It includes Esopeptidase , (acting on simple compounds having a free polar group , NH2 or COOH ) and Endopepti which acts in the center of a peptidic chain dividing the peptidic molecule into smaller fragment.
1.V) AMYLASES ALFA/BETA ISO/GLUCO :enzmes belonging to the group of carbohydrase which catalyzes the hydrolysis of links 1-4 glucosidic of starch and glycogen (Besides, Iso and Gluco Amylase promote hydrolysis of exterior bonds of giving rise to methyl alcohol and pectic acids)
- Activity of ciliate protozoa : living microfauna constituted by ciliate protozoa is employed lo degrade and metabolize the particles of organic substance diluted in sewages , as well as to digest the complete cycle or nitrogen.
Protozoa metabolizing the organic substance extract the main nutrient for their vitality , in fact they use nitrogen, carbon , the fiber and the components of phosphorus to achieve their physiological functions.
Role of Bacteriophages and Mastigophora: they are live cells which have the function to attack , engulf and destroy substances alien to molecular structures as pathogenic bacteria ; in cases there is presence of pathogenic bacteria in sewage or in the environment to be treated , Bacteriophages and Mastigophora act on these bacterial flora destroying them by a Phagocystosis action.
For instance, they are very useful against Salmonellae or Shigellae which are phagocytated , from the moment of contact , in a maximum period of 6 hours .
* HANSA LINE microflora makes a prophylactic activity against bacterial diseases stimulating genetic formation of Phages which, growing , create a biologic barrier in treated environment , and therefore do not permit that opponent bacterial flora may develop (see Salmonellae, Pasteurellae).
* Phages(or bacteriophages)contained in HANSA LINE are structurally Prophages, series T-even (T2, T4, T6).
* Microorganisms contained in HANSA LINE can maintain their genetic peculiarities stable and unalterated for a period not inferior 22 years, it carefully protected from humidity .
* If applied in an anaerobic environment, the living cells of HANSA LINE intervene in metabolism staying efficient for a period of above 12 hours.